Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Fortune Favours the Mini

I go to this ball class with two friends, one of whom has been going for a few months now, the other who started at the same time as me. The friend who has been going for a few months is tall (and has kitted herself out with a comedy ball of massive proportions, which she struggles to get through the door every week - not dissimilar to the one I had my first week). The other friend who comes along is mini (of Polly Pocket dimensions).

This has given me the opportunity to make a scientific discovery. Balancing on the ball favours mini people. This discovery was made at 10.45 one night, when I received a message from Polly Pocket, announcing that she had balanced on the ball, unaided, for a grand total of 10 minutes and 54 seconds.

An Aside
I know that one individual finding does not equal a scientific discovery - however, two of us are tall - me and Comedy Ball Girl, and there are two minis. Polly Pocket's boyfriend - Peter Pocket - is also mini and Polly has discovered since her mamoth balancing session, that Peter also has a mild talent for balancing on the ball. I say mild talent, because he (and no one else) is a patch on 11 minute Polly Pocket. My best time so far is eight seconds. Comedy Ball Girl's best time is better than that, but not by THAT long. Anyway - as you can see - two talls and two minis = scientific proof.

I am doomed to be unable to balance on large purple space hoppers. Mini people think that they have it bad - but I can tell you - being able to reach things on higher shelves has nothing on eleven minute balancing acts - you could join the circus with that kind of talent.

Right, got to go and limber myself up for Aerobics this evening. Despite the ball class teacher announcing that we would not be able to walk today, I am still planning on jumping around a school hall in my PE kit to horrific dance music and shouts of "give me a grapevine", "and left", "come on, just twenty-four more, girls". Ugh. I must be dedicated.

Eleven minutes, I tell you - something's just not right about that - is it?
Am seriously considering the possibility that Polly Pocket is in fact, not of human origin.

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