Monday, October 23, 2006

Nun Turns Bad

Am worried about my nun friend. Not sure how long ago the story of why she became my “nun friend” featured on the pages of this here blog, but for those of you who are new to these pages, here is a re-cap of the story…

Said friend watches The Sound of Music and is overcome by the happiness of the whole thing; girl joins nunnery, girl meets wonderful man, wonderful man becomes wonderful husband with ready-made family of 48 kids (not sure that last bit is quite what she’s so excited about – but hey – that’s the story). Friend therefore decides becoming a nun is an effective way of meeting man of dreams.

Now, here is where the worrying part comes in. Said friend watches Pretty Woman… (and I cannot believe that there is a soul out there who has not seen Pretty Woman, but for the benefit of you heathens – the story is basically about a hooker who captures the heart of a very rich man and it all ends happily ever after).

So, nun friend is once again overcome by the happy ending (aren’t we all) and now believes herself to have found a new career calling. (I’m sure there’s no need to spell it out).

I am looking forward to her re-watching Dirty Dancing – because this will work very nicely for me. She will then become much more easily persuaded that dance classes are the way forward and I will have achieved my dream of finding some poor soul to drag along to all the dance classes under the sun. If not Dirty Dancing, Saturday Night Fever, Flashdance, Footloose or Grease would do.

Can anyone lend her any of these videos, please? I would be endlessly in your debt.

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