Monday, November 20, 2006

Edinburgh Episode 2

So we get to our hotel rooms and decide it's time for a bit of a stroll and wander up the hill to the castle (yes - might have left out that we were staying at a fancy 5 star hotel on the Royal Mile - that's because I was too busy thinking about ice machines and domestics on the train). In an attempt not to show ourselves up as the naive tourists we were, we made the decision to put on american accents whenever seeming lost. Imagine our delight when we walked about two minutes up the road only to hear the bonnie sounds of a bagpipe playing Scotland the Brave!

An Aside

Of course before leaving the hotel, I decided that I could not possibly leave my fancy birthday camera unattended at the hotel, which is when I discovered the safe in my room. Have you ever used one of these hotel safes? You wouldn't believe how much fun you can create with a little paranoid security measure. Honestly - next time you're in a hotel, try it. It's much better than stealing the toiletries.

So after wandering up the hill to see the castle, we'd worked up a bit of an apetite, headed for the nearest pub and, in a decadence befitting two young ladies staying in a five star hotel, we ordered the most expensive wine on the menu. An astonishing eleven pounds, which we marvelled at for about ten minutes, until we were distracted by some crazy Septics in the bar - we knew without hearing them that they were Septics, by their wide armed walks.

So distracted were we that when the bar lady brought over my haggis, neeps and tatties (mmmmmm) I almost jumped out of my skin - which the bar lady found amusing enough to regale to the rest of the bar staff at the top of her voice after leaving us. Hmph.

With a five something horribly early in the morning start, we opted to head back to the hotel at a decent (ish) hour in order to get some sleep for the long working day on Friday. I finaly found myself drifting off, in a slumber disturbed regularly by my worries about not being able to come up with a decent wrestler-name for myself. I blame the wide-armed american for this. It was nothing to do with my decision to turn the telly on and get in a good hour of wretle-mania before bed.

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