So having set up microphone radio (see last post) in the bathroom a week or so ago, despite endless fiddling with the tunner, it is only possible to get good enough reception on one, local station. I have discovered a mildly irritating habit my mind has, which is an uncontrollable need to repeat over and over in my head at various (inconvenient) moments, the first song I heard on the radio in the morning - but only the first one I heard whilst in the shower. The same does not apply for the first I heard in my car if I forgot to put the shower radio on.
So yesterday morning I had something awful by a teenage boyband called Flustered or McPie or something (FYI - this is purposefully meant to show my age in a derisive-about-boybands-manner. I tell you, they don't make songs like they used to. When I were a lass, songs used to be songs and covers were sommat you used to keep you from freezing to death on a cold winter's night when there were nowt other than a candle in the corner to keep you warm). The day before I had that horrific woman who sings about gobbling men up - but it wasn't that song - it was the miserable, soppy ball of shite she released after that (appologies for swearing - but come on - you can surely see how irritating this spontaneous singing of crappy songs all day - and in fact, night, whilst I am struggling to get to sleep - is?).
But today, local radio redeemed itself entirely. Today's head-ringing tune was Sir Duke. Fantastic (but only for me. My colleagues and friends seem unimpressed by my paltry immitation of the great Mr. Wonder).
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