Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Death in the Family

Oh god - there I am - chattering about my car tax and all the while, there is much more important news to be shared.

Now, prepare yourself. This is sad news. The following description is not for the feint of heart or easy of tears. Today, I have come to work all in black. Yes - it is that sad a day. I am in mourning.

Last night, I came home from ball class, to find that my tamagochi had DIED. Yes, died dead. I found it floating in the middle of the screen, like a small cloud - with a little pair of wings. I hope it's gone to tamagochi heaven. I think it had a (mostly) happy life.

There's no doubt I am going to sorely miss its incessant beeping and demands for attention. It's smiling little face when I get home and take it for some exercise (yes - tamagochis need exercise too). In honesty - I may even feel a little lonely without my faithful tamagochi friend...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dead.... i think im sad. did you ever let it have any, ahem, fun?? poor thing.