Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Erm - Is That You I Can Smell?

So it's been all go in the Jones household today. I have been washing my hair, epilating my legs (ouch, oo, ee, eew, ow), eating apple and blackcurrant pies (there were two - it had to be eaten or it would have gone off - and did you know, we wast a third of the food we buy? - Well, I'm not having that happening in my house) and contemplating what to do about my newly arrived, ill fitting suit (will come back to that later). But it's not been a day entirely full of omphalaskepsis. Oh no. I also had a lunch appointment, a meeting, a tea and cake appointment and an upcoming dinner appointment.

My lunch appointment was with my McFriend, to whom I was supposed to be returning a wedding cardigan.

An Aside
Wedding Cardigan (noun) - Cardigan worn largely to such formal occasions as weddings. Often white or pale in colour. Rarely worn in its own right. Often making appearances on different wearers at different weddings.

But of course, I got to the luncheon meeting point sans cardigan. I had moved it around to various places with my handbag in an effort to ensure I wouldn't forget it - and I had to drive to the meeting point - where I used to work, clearly making it impossible to go back and get the wedding cardigan. Two seconds before leaving, I picked it up, put it with my handbag one last time, however when I arrived there, the cardigan was myseriously not there with me.

Anyway, I had to drive then cycle very quickly back in order to make it to the meeting I had this afternoon and I got there, to discover that all my rushing about had caused me to acquire an iffy odour. In one armpit.

Why is it that this happens? In honesty, I blame the deodorant - selling me stories of being so good you could skip a day. Skip a day? I can't even skip down the street without one arm developing a malodorous whiff (that's not strictly true - I don't wander about whiffing all day every day - this statement was for dramatic effect, you'll understand).

So this meant I also attended my tea and cake appointment surrounded by said filthy stench and shall be gracing my dinner appointment, also accompanied by my friend the smelly pit. Lovely.

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