Monday, August 13, 2007

Five Krispy Kreme Donuts Later...

I am feeling a little worse for wear. The Krispy Kreme arrived - not just one... FIVE. And I can confirm for you that they are rather tasty. If very sweet, very sugary, very fattening and generally very bad for you.

I happily gobbled up an apple crumble donut, a lemon mirangue donut, a strawberry donut, a raspberry donut and a cream donut (which is just not cream at all - it's some sort of fluffy icing stuff).

I am now gulping down peppermint tea to try to quell the churning bile in my stomach, the mixture of sugary fillings and doughy outsides are lodged in the bottom of my stomach, making it bulge in a rather donut-like shape.

So I would recommend Krispy Kreme donuts... just not five of them.

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