Thursday, August 23, 2007

Twelve Baby Daddies

I know I am doing nothing for my intellectual reputation, however I am going to have to admit that I have been watching Maury...AGAIN.

This episode was called something like "Who's the Daddy". This was an episode where young ladies brought men onto the show to prove that they were the father of the ladies' kiddies.

All these women had been on the show before doing the same thing with other men. The first couple of young ladies had been on the show either one or two times before - so just to clarify - they had brought at least one or two other men onto the show on separate occasions - saying they were 100% sure that these men were the baby daddy.

The last lady however, was a woman to be reckoned with. She had been on the show four times before - however she'd been bringing her potential baby daddies on in multiples. So on this occasion, she was having man number eleven and man number twelve tested. Yes, that's ELEVEN and TWELVE.

Now, I try not to be judgemental... however I just don't if I'm going to be able to hold back here. I mean, for the love of god. Do these people not know what condoms are? I mean, making your way through twelve people (none of whom were actually the baby daddy - so that's at least thirteen) within a short enough space of time that all of them could be baby daddies is pretty quick work. But to have made your way through at least thirteen men and not have had the wherewithal to use a condom even once... you surely have to question whether these people should be allowed to produce babies.

I am beginning to think that for your sake, I should perhaps stop watching these shows. It seems after an hour of Jerry jeering or Maury madness, I become a ranty being. I will try to desist. But at this stage I am making no promises.

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