Thursday, September 20, 2007

Getting Out My Old Lady Wardrobe

Cooo-ee it's blowing a gale out there. And all of a sudden it's winter again. It's dark by 6.30pm, it's dark in the morning, it's blowing gales, the bedroom is freeeeeezing when I get up there after having left the window open all evening, my hands dry and cracked and it's all down hill from here.

A bit melodramatic I hear you say? Well, perhaps it would be were I not to still be holding out for summer. I have all my winter wardrobe put away and I refuse to bring it out until we've had at least three days of sun in a row. I simply refuse. Surely that can't be it? It just can't be.

Although this parky weather is giving me all the excuse I need to indulge in my newly found old-lady habit. I have a new pair of slippers. They are byootiful, with sequins all over, and I have taken to travelling with them everywhere I go (erm - hang on - I don't mean I'm that old ladyish - I don't hop on the train and roll out the old slippers). I have been taking them to my sister's when I visit, I took them to the Lady With The Baby's house and several other places too.

Although they are quite warm slippers, so in honesty, I'm rather too hot in them. But I'm not going to let a little thing like that get in the way of my new old-lady habit.

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