Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A Plea to the Postal Strikers

Listen, I know it's selfish of me, but it's my birthday this weekend. And there is little I find more exciting than sitting in my bed on the morning of my birthday opening cards and presents (childish, I know - and I know it sounds materialistic too - but the truth really is that I just LOVE surprises - it's not what's in the wrapping paper, it's the not knowing what's in the wrapping paper that makes it so exciting. Yes - you are right - it is possible that I need to get out more...).

But listen, Mr Postie, I understand that you would like better pay and working conditions. And I do not wish to get in the way of the newly planned strikes. However could you really live with the guilt of ruining a small girl's birthday? Of having to forever live with the sight of a young lady, sitting in her bed on the morning of her birthday, bottom lip quivering, blinking back the tears as she realises that this year, there will be no cards to open. Sniffle, sniffle.

An Aside
Please note - I do not really intend to invite all the country's postal workers to my house to view above mentioned tears, bottom lip and blinking. I was hoping my writen words would be emotive enough. I also realise that I am not a "small girl" - this is merely to envoke further feelings of guilt. And finally, yes, I am aware this is highly selfish. But a girl's birthday is the one day of the year when it is accepted that she may be selfish. After all, it's my party and I'll cry if I want to.

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