Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Just As The Fun Begins...

I like to think that I know you well enough to be sure, when I say you're not short of a brain cell or two, that I am not talking rubbish. So you'll have noticed it's February. End of detox. Yay.

Stepping on the scales just before the end told me that I had lost half a stone (which, when you've got an arse the size of a truck is not necessarily noticeable). Which is the good news. The bad news is that of course since it's now February - and has been for five days, I have managed to squash in five day's worth of indulgence, indulgence which weighs in at half a stone.

I have celebrated with cake, several rounds of pancakes today, of course, it being Shrove Tuesday and all, and the decsion that Lent will welcome in 40 days and 40 nights of giving up dessert. Yes, I will be attempting to give up dessert for Lent. Just as the fun was beginning, so it must stop. Hmph.

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