Saturday, August 16, 2008

Yachting Holiday, Dah-ling

I must aologise - my postings are like buses. (None for ages then three come along at once sort of thing). Recently this has been because I have been on a most glamorous holiday. I have been languishing on a boat on the Norfolk Broads. I have been sitting on deck, sipping cocktails, wind blowing through my hair, sun shining down, whizzing along the waterways on my luxury yacht.

An Aside
I may be slightly exagerating some details of the holiday. It rained every day. The little boat leaked pretty much everywhere. The maximum speed allowed on the broads is 6mph. The wind was blowing through my hair, creating a massive birds nest of a mess. Very unattractive. There were no cocktails. And there was certainly no sun.

All in all though, the holiday was great - I think I could get used to not having to get up for work.

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