Monday, September 01, 2008

80s Disco Day

I have spent the day as if in a time warp, listening to 80s disco and 90s dance music. Now don't get me wrong - I think both have their place - but it's not really at my desk at work, or on my way home on the tube (arguably, it is while I'm struggling to breath at the gym).

My McFriend and I have the same iPod - and on the way to the train station on Sunday afternoon, we were joking about how funny it would be if I'd accidentally taken her iPod instead of my own. The music selections couldn't be more different. So yes, you guessed it, the moment I get settled on the train on my way home, and get the iPod out, I find myself listening to Whitney Houston telling me about the Greatest Love of All.

I'm happy for her, I really am - but I'm just not sure I want to be hearing about it.

The good news (as I am just not sure how I would go on otherwise), is that tomorrow night I shall be back in possession of an iPod filled with music that I shall be welcoming back with open arms. Phew.

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