Ahh, bonjour, mon ami. Comment allez vous? I am simply marvellous and have just got home from my first French lesson. It was very exciting. A colleague and I have decided that we ought to learn French - her because her mother is French and she can't speak any at all and me because France is my new favourite place since the honeymoon.
I already can't remember what we learnt, but I assure you that by the end of week eight (we've signed up for 8 weeks), I shall be fluent. Ish. We've got a personal tutor, who comes along to our work and is ridiculously French.
And tomorrow, I'm going to a power walking class. Yes - I am going to walk with power. I am imaging it will be some sort of Kath and Kim, and more specifically, Kath and Kel - it's not on youtube anywhere - but I think you know what I mean. Bottoms wiggling (or in my case, wobbling), arms out in the classic chicken wing style, head bobbing like a pigeon. It's going to be attractive, and that's for sure.
As you can see, I have returned to my old ways of taking any old class thrown my way, which as a rule, has not been highly successful since the move to London, but this power walking is going to work out, I can just feel it in my bones. Although if I get there, and there are people running and no one has a giant blonde afro or a very handsome side parting, I will be nothing short of disappointed.
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