Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bootyless Shaking

At this week's botty wobble class I was once again joined by my older sister. We had a nasty moment not unlike that at the beginning of the first class (a reminder) when we discovered that our normal teacher was not going to make it and we had a stand in. The stand in had a cap on sideways with a hood over it, which in normal life I would write off just as somebody else's style. However in the context of the botty wobble class, we decided was clearly going to translate into complex moves - perhaps even some sort of hand stand/spinning on head arrangement.

Once again however, our worries were unfounded and although we had to learn two routines and had to go through the usual horror of splitting the class in two and showcasing our moves to the other half of the booty shakers. But not too bad overall.

Sister and I went for a long walk afterwards to top up our week's exercise quota. In fact, I have just worked out we walked approximately six and a half miles. Pretty good, eh? In fact, I will be disappointed if next weekend I actually have any botty to wobble.

(There is no need to allow your thoughts to linger on the three slices of refridgerator cake and one chocolate brownie we had each - let's just pretend you never even knew).

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