Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lose Weight Whilst on Your Arse

Watched Supersize v.s Superskinny - and am considering hypnotherapy. I know that some time ago I mentioned that I know where Paul McKenna lives and that if he doesn't make me thin, he's for it. Well, the truth is, that is not strictly true. I don't know where he lives. Neither has he made me thin though, I will point out (let us not dwell on the fact that I am yet to listen to his CD which professes it will make me thin - but honestly - who has random spare half hours ever day to listen to such things?).

So having realised that Paul McKenna is not going to make me thin, I have resolved to resort to ludicrous measures. My choices are:

1. Hypnotherapy
2. Continual detox
3. More booty shaking
4. Cutting food out of my diet
5. My sister's I Joy Ride
6. The Hawaii Chair

Each with its own set of problems.

1. Hypnotherapy
The problem with hypnotherapy is that the Paul McKenna variety requires significant daily time investment. Work is particularly busy at the moment (which I guess is lucky, given that my social life isn't), which means that I don't get home until too late to do much other than make and eat dinner (for which, I always, predictably, make time). Hypnotherapy of the other variety ("Lie back on my couch and recount for me your childhood years of pain and heartache...") is just too expensive - work may be busy but there ain't no overtime.

2. Continual detox
Ugh, horror. No drinking again, EVER? I don't think we need to go into that one any further.

3. More booty shaking
Love to, but see point 1.

4. Cutting food out of my diet
I'n not sure it's practical, but I could try living like a ballerina - gorging myself daily on cardboard rather than food. Is that really true, do you think? Am beginning to think I may have fallen for an urban myth on that one. Besides which, it doesn't sound particularly apetising even if it is the truth.

5. My sister's I Joy Ride
Great - this would be perfect. I could sit in front of the telly horseriding. Lose weight whilst you sit on your arse. What could be better? If she hadn't sold the damn thing. Yes, that's right, my sister has sold her I Joy Ride - flogged it on eBay, which I discovered when she announced to me that she was "in the money". Hmph.

6. The Hawaii Chair
Which is why I am delighted to have heard about this little gem. Which of course I heard about on the Scott Mills Show. I have been listening to the podcast on my way to/from work and have worried countless commuters by giggling to myself on the tube. But what better substitute for the I Joy Ride than the hula chair? Once again - it's benefits include sitting on your arse and being able to watch TV. What more could I really ask for?

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