Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Very British Indulgence

I have totallyover-indulged this weekend. Over-indulged on pretty much everything bad you can think of - fatty foods, alcohol, sugar, sun, TV and garlic.

Went out for dinner on Friday night to Busaba Eathai which was very tasty (though in honesty the satay sauce could have been a bit more generous and peanutty) - however I left the restaurant with garlickiness eminating from every pore. Which was still the case the next morning - I was wondering around the house breathing garlic - all I needed to do was breath at my lunch to give it a bit of extra garlicky flavour.

As you will know, it was summer on Saturday - so lounged in the sun drinking Pimms all afternoon, roasting myself to an attractive, and particularly British shade of red. Ridiculous. Particularly as I then went on to the pub to drink enough to sink a ship.

So I have spent the day reflecting on my foolish misbehaviour, whislt going to town with the fatty foods, sugar and TV. I think I am learning a lot.

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