Saturday, November 01, 2008

Melodramatic Bladder Infection

Well my cystitis has gone all melodramatic - because I don't have cystitis any more. I have a kidney infection. And this time, I'm pretty sure I really am dying. I have never been in such consistent pain, ever.

I have drunk about 5 litres of water today, gone for about eight thousand wees and taken enough drugs to supply a small pharmacy. I spent the night last night trying to find some way of lying down that didn't make me feel like my kidneys were a couple of large magnets in my lower back, trying to force their way out of my body to cling to the two magnets embedded in the matress of the bed I was trying to sleep in (there weren't really magnets in the bed - like there weren't in my back - but that's wht it felt like and oh my god it's painful).

Since then, I have spent most of my time feeling tired and in pain. Which I will tell you is no fun at all.

I am now going to get an early night - in the hope that some time between now and 10.30 tomorrow morning, I might manage to find two hours sleep.

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