Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rabid Dog Attack (Sort Of... Well, Actually Not Really At All)

Was planning on going to the gym tonight with my sister. Have not been in donkeys - due to illness - so wasn't overly looking forward to it. Which was lucky - because our plans were scuppered. It turned out that the free passes I had for her ran out at the end of October (yes it's been that long since I went to the gym).

So we decided to go for a speed walk instead - much the preferable option for easing me back into exercise - particularly as we got so busy chattering that we forgot we were supposed to be tensing our buttocks and holding in our stomachs.

All in all, I am not convinced I got the exercise I need - given the results of the weekend's measuring lark. However my heart rate was certainly increased - although not until I was on my way home, when I turned a corner and a rabid looking dog with its mouth hanging open and its teeth bared met me on the other side. Fearing for my very life I nearly jumped out of my skin and my heart started racing. I was like a rabbit in headlights until the owner snapped me out of it by calling the dog's name. Which funnily enough is the same name as the Old Ball and Chain. Hmmm - do you think it's a sign?

(I'm not sure what it could be a sign of, but I'm pretty certain either way that it;s a sign. And a bad one).

Off to see another two wedding venues tomorrow. Yawn. Will report back if anything interesting.

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