Wednesday, December 17, 2008

3 Exciting Things

Got the christmas tree this weekend, which is rather exciting. However it was a bit wet, so apparently we had to leave it for a day before decorating it in order to let it dry out. However a day has turned into two days and then three - and now four. The christmas tree is still not decorated. It is sitting in the living room, naked.

I do quite like it naked, actually. Christmas trees look quite good with nothing on. But not very christmassy.

The second rather exciting thing to happen this week is that the wedding venue is finally booked, after some price negotiations - I have cleverly managed to reduce the price of the venue hire by 25%. Woo hoo.

And the final exciting thing, is that I have only 4 more working days until the holidays. Phe-ew. I am soooo fed up of work.

Oh, and here’s that link I promised you - happy christmas shopping!

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