Monday, January 19, 2009

Disaster At The Weigh-In

Well today's been a tough day for weight watching. Not only did I have my monthly photo-in, but I also had my random weigh-in.

The first (the photo-in) is getting a little depressing. Between the first month and the second, there was a visible difference, however for every month thereafter, there appears to have been little change. Which I do understand is due entirely to the fact that I have not lost weight - but it's still a little disheartening.

The second was the horrific gym weigh-in with my sister. So let's start with the good news - she has lost over 2kg - two kilos! That's amazing if you ask me. I, on the other hand, have put on weight. 0.3kg. 300g. More than a block of butter. Admittedly, last time I weighed myself I'd just lost almost a stone from the kidney infection and we have had Christmas in between, and I have managed to keep all but 300g of that weight off - however Christmas, as you can see above, has not stopped my sister losing more than two kilos.

And the addition of the 300g has meant my BMI has gone up 0.1 something or others, my body fat percentage has skyrocketed up by 0.2% and my fat mass has increased by a weighty 0.1kilos. This is clearly a disaster.

The fact that it is not even a whole pound is neither here nor there. I am outraged, outraged I tell you. I knew I should have gone to the loo before the weigh in - then perhaps I could have weed out that 300g (do you think wee might be that weighty? I have drunk a fair amount today. And now that I think of it, I did have half a meat pasty before going to the gym - not the most sensible thing to do, I know - but I was hungry when I got home - and I'd hazard a guess I was 300g of meat pasty hungry).

I now have four months until W-day and have set myself a weight-loss target of 6lb. I asked my sister if she thought this was possible and she was really positive about it - assuring me I'd have no problem - that was hardly more than a pound a month, which made me start feeling really positive too - great - I can do this.

I asked her if she had a target - and she told me not a weight target, no - she had no idea what six pounds was - she never weighs herself - she'd have no clue if she could realistically lose six pounds or not. Great - so all that positivity was just to shut me up then I would reckon. Damn her.

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