Monday, March 30, 2009

Fruit and Veg Diet Starts Here

Poor start to the week. Am supposed to be dieting. Have rejected the idea of the cabbage soup diet, because I read somewhere that it's not good enough for you, and that was good enough for me (clutching at any old negative straw when it comes to cabbage soup, in honesty). So I had a baked potato with chili in it for lunch, where I sat with my colleague who's eating only fruit and veg all week (and this, from a boy). When he told me this is what he was doing, I regained interest in my cabbage soup idea - momentarily. It passed pretty quickly.

I am not sure that boys have a proper understanding of fruit and veg though, in honesty. He sat down with a plate full of a variety of three salads - greek salad (complete with feta cheese), rice and mushroom salad and chickpea salad in a creamy sort of sauce. I mentioned that his fruit and veg diet wasn't too strict then. "What do you mean". Apparently, boys thing pulses are vegetables and that sauces don't count. As for the rice - apparently it was a new addition that was allowed on the fruit and veg diet. Great, so I think I've found my new diet then. I'll have a bowl full of rice with a pile of veg and pulses and a load of tomato sauce. Oh, hang on a second, that's chili isn't it? And surely we can bend the rules that little bit further and call potato rice (well if we can call pulses vegetables, surely we can call potato rice)?

So actually, I can probably pat myself on the back - I've done a pretty good job so far this week of sticking to a fruit and veg diet. Other than this morning's bowl of porrige. Although my colleague also clarified for me that he was allowed a bowl of cereal each morning - because it would be obscene to expect someone to live on fruit for breakfast. So I have every reason to be pleased with myself. So long as we don't contemplate that bar of chocolate I had after lunch for too long. Ok - that's it - stop thinking about it, please. No more fixating on the chocolate...

Oh - and it seems that someone who walked up the stairs before me farted - because I had to follow the damn smell all the way up stairs. Gross, eh? But at least it stopped you thinking about that chocolate bar.

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