Sunday, March 22, 2009

Roll Out The Cabbage Soup

It has been exercise central around me this weekend. I spent aaaages on the cross trainer on Saturday and then this morning, despite the nasty surprise hang over, I went swimming with The Older and Wiser Ms Jones.

The disapointing thing about exercise - particularly when you have done a lot of it, is the lack of immediate results. I got off the cross trainer after having slaved away for a very respectable amount of time, only to be utterly disappointed to find myself looking exactly the same level of fatness as I did previous to my strenuous activity.

And the swimming appears not to have helped either. I have no control over my stomach at the moment - it is protruding in a most ungainly manner and it appears that no amount of virtuous exerciseness changes that fact.

There is therefore only one thing for it. I am going to have to stop eating. I have my final dress fitting for this wedding dress in two weeks and I need to lose a stone in that time. At least.

I have done the cabbage soup diet before - and I remember having lost half a stone in a week or so - of course it didn't stay off - and I did it at a time in my life when I had much greater will power... but I'd say it's reached the stage, where such drastic measures must be rolled out again.

But not today. And not tomorrow, because I have a tasty dinner planned for tomorrow night. Maybe the day after...

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