Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Inappropriate Drinking. Again.

The Old Man and I decided to get crazy drunk last night. Which is a pretty sensible start to the week. However it was an essential and unavoidable exercise into testing potential wedding bubbly.

You may think this sounds familiar - as we spent several weeks drinking ourselves into a stupor in an attempt to find suitable wine and bubbly some time ago. Well, you'd be right in thinking it sounds familiar. We did indeed successfully manage to find suitable red wine, white wine and bubbly. So why, you would be sensible to ask, have we started once again drinking more than is sensible on a Monday night?

Well, I shall tell you the story of foolish lack of attention to detail which lead us to this alcoholic state. Some time ago, we sorted out all our alcohol for the wedding drinks (other than the welcome drink, but that's a totally different story that we've only just discovered and is therefore something I'm pretending I do not need to deal with - because that's my new attitude towards this wedding - sticking my head in the sand so that I can just ignore all the problems that need fixing in a very short space of time).

As you know, I have an extensive home gym (a cross trainer and an air walker which has been folded up and unused since the week after I spent ten no-so-bargain pounds on it. Well it's not a bargain if you don't use it, is it)? So I was preparing myself for a session in the home gym the other day, kneeling down putting my shoes on, when I happened to look up at the boxes of bubbly, only to notice the before unseen word on the side of a couple of the boxes; "Rose". It wasn't subtle - it was in big capital letters. So it will come as no surprise that when we opened one of the boxes, the bottles inside were rose bubbly, not the normal bubbly we had planned on.

There is a lesson to be learnt there - which I am currently not prepared to discuss - draw your own conclusions. I'm too busy being drunk at inappropriate times to understand what lesson I should be learning from this.

There is every chance we don't actually need to buy more bubbly though in honesty. So far, there are very few people coming along. There are just two days until the RSVP date and we've only got about 20 people coming. Which is a little sad, however as we all know, every cloud has a silver lining. And the silver lining in this case is that everyone who is coming will be eating like kings and drinking like lushes. And The Old Man and I save money. That means eating more baguettes and drinking more red wine during our honeymoon in Provence. Woo hoo.


Nun friend said...

Good work!!!!!
I am trying to work out this wedding etiquite (cant spell that word) thing the cards that i have brought (3) are aprently not apropiate to send - am v confused by it all!!! My RSVP will be in the post soon (ihope if i can find the right card!!!)

Jones said...

Hehehe! Well the card you did send seems just fine to me.