Monday, April 13, 2009

Men On The Cheap

These four day weekends just don't last long enough if you ask me. And there certainly aren't enough of them in the year. And potentially, I don't make enough of them when they do come around...

I started the weekend with too much beer to aid weight loss and I have only done one session on the home gym. And a friend who came to visit had her bag stolen in the pub. So from those perspectives it was not such a good weekend.

Today things got a little exciting though when I decided out of the blue that I would go for a manicure. Manicures are not a regular occurence for me. I thought it would be nice to go with my sisters before the wedding and I had seen a place that does them for twelve bargain pounds - woo hoo.

So I figured it would be necessary to check the place out first. We don't want to end up at the wedding with jagged nails and polish all over our cuticles - I mean, let's get some perspective here, that would simply be a disaster of epic proportions. I'm not sure I could ever get over uneven nail varnish - which I think you'll agree, in the grand scheme of things is pretty damn important... (Ok, ok, I was just a little lacking in occupation today and figured it would take up half an hour or so).

I got to the road the shop was on and started wandering down it slightly absent-mindedly, wondering why one of the shops had piled a load of comfortable looking black leather chairs outside. Junk shop, I concluded. It wasn't until after I had walked passed that I registered the the sign above the shop actually said "Vegas Nails" (come on - what sort of classiness did you expect for £12 in London?).

Disaster. It has closed down. Or, not disaster, they might just be refurbishing it...

I decided there was nothing else for it than to go hunting for another nail salon of comparable price at a comparable distance from home. My search started off pretty poor, until I came across "HQ The Beauty" (yes, that way around). There were a couple of ladies having their nails done in there, so the nail beautifier gave me a "Gift Voucher", which, when opened, is actually thier price list. Which is where things started getting a little fruity.

An Express Manicure will set you back £15, a Deluxe Manicure, £20, whilst a Manicure with French/American Man will set you back £19. Good heavens. For a pound less than a Deluxe Manicure, you get a French or American Man! It seems that something other than nail care is going on here.

Is this really appropriate for my wedding day manicure? And if so, which do I go for? French or American Man? And why is the pedicure only offered with a French Man? Is it because Americans are not as open minded and simply won't take part in any sort of foot exploits?

But really, the big question is - if you get a French/American Man for £19, what do you get for the Deluxe Manicure at £20?

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