Sunday, June 28, 2009

Festivals, Food and Fat

This is the first year in some time that I have not been to Glastonbury. I have watched bits of it on telly, but you know what, I'm not sure I'm all that sad I'm not there. I checked out the lineup and there were three or four bands I would have liked to have seen - but I didn't reckon it was up to much otherwise.

I fear that this is my age beginning to show. I am starting to think that I am just not in touch with what's new with music anymore.

Although, last year I went to Glastonbury and Latitude and Glastonbury was brilliant. But I felt Latitude was better. And not just because they provide loo roll. There was more, eaily accessible new music and because it's a music an litarary festival, I also went to see some really good readings and comedians. Oh god, that's it. It really is my age - "really good readings"? God, I really am old.

Anyway - it's The Old Man's birthday today, so we went out last night for Caribbean food. Caribbean food is The Old Man's favourite. And I'm rather partial to it myself, so was quite excited about the prospect. We went to ACE Fusion just outside Clapham. Almost all the reviews were good, so when we sat down (in a short little cubby hole area under the mezzanine) and ordered our food, it couldn't come soon enough. And it certainly didn't. And I ordered badly.

I started with yam balls, which had frozen bits in the middle (I've never had yam balls before - maybe they're supposed to?). The people at the next table had spicy chicken wings. They looked nice. Then I was torn between rum and garlic prawns and goat curry. I went for the prawns. There were six of them. SIX? How is a growing girl supposed to survive on six (normal sized - not large) prawns?

So in all, it was a bit of a disappointment. And talking of "growing girl", oh my goodness, I am certainly growing.

This week I am supposed to start my exercise/healthy eating regime and frankly, it's a necessity now. Through a diet of chips, crisps, cake and other bad things, I have grown into a marshmallow. My jeans, which before the wedding had become too big, are now too small. Which I'd live with, if it weren't for the fact that my work trousers have also become too small.

I only have three pairs of work trousers. One pair are 6 years old. The hem has come down and they're not so much black, as barely black. Pair two are all out grey. They are a mere 3 years old. They are too big and sit around my hip area, but the clip on them has almost pulled itself out, tearing a hole in the material as it goes. They don't have long left. Pair three are a mere 3 months or so old. They were also a little (but only a VERY little) to big before the wedding. They are now far too small.

Therefore, I am left with two pairs of trousers, both with wayward hems. It's time to lose weight. (The alternative - buying new trousers - is a much worse option).

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