Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Study of Public Loos in Venice and Provence

It is a difficult thing, needing the loo in Venice. Particularly if it is after 7.30pm. This is not only because you are surrounded by water. Everywhere you go, water, water, water. That doesn't help, of course, but try finding a public loo in Venice, and you'll be walking some way. And once you find the loo, you'll also be paying a lot to use it. Going to the loo in Venice will set you back one euro fifty.

Which is not so good for someone who drinks a lot of water and finds themself needing the loo at approximately half hourly intervals. Add to this, that if you need the loo after 7.30pm, there are no public loos open, but you are still surrounded by all this water.

It's an entirely different matter in Provence, however. There are public loos eeeevvverywhere. It's great. Every village has a tourist office and at least one set of public loos. And the most expensive one I found was 30 cents - (not including the 50 cents for the one at the train station - but that doesn't count - train stations are mean like that).

The difference however between the expensive, difficult to find Venetian loos and the easy to find, cheap Provencial loos, is a quality issue.

The Venetian loos were spacious, with oodles of loo roll and luxurious soap, hot water and the choice of hand driers or paper towels.

The Provencial loos offer a hole in the floor for you to crouch above, a flush that soaks your feet if you're not at least a meter away and the choice of either loo roll or a sink. Not both. Never both. You can either have loo roll, or you get to wash your hands. It is not necessary to offer both - and them's the rules.

But I have to say, Provence wins. I'd rather be able to go to the loo and carry my hands at arms length until I find a tap, with my ankles soaking than have to pay four euros fifty a day for the pleasure of normal bodily functions.

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