Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ghosts, Ghouls and Scots

I am off to Scotland tomorrow – more specifically Edinburgh, place of my birth, city of the early years of my life…
Having not been back there since I was a wee lassie though, I am getting most excited about the prospect (despite the fact that I’m going for work and will be working for most of the hours I’m there).

My friend – the Lady with the Baby – is (was?) a bit of a Most Haunted fan which lead to me watching several episodes.

An Aside

Lady with the Baby is a big fan of horror movies. I, on the other hand, will sit quivering behind a cushion at the merest hint of blood, violence and flesh eating zombies. Lady with the Baby told me that Most Haunted was quite scary, which resulted in me putting off my first viewing until I was in company and it wasn’t too dark outside. However, I’m rather proud to say that I didn’t think it was scary at all – and despite initial addiction potential, I got bored of it because I never saw all the things that Yvette Fielding was screaming like a banshee about. In fact, she was possibly the scariest thing in it.

Anyway – the point of telling you about Most Haunted is that they featured the haunted cellar things in Edinburgh and I’ve seen another programme about those cellars where people were scaring themselves out of their wits attempting to stay there for a night.

Therefore, I am considering the possibility of having a look at these haunted arches, but am not 100% sure I’m brave enough.

Actually, on second thoughts – I am going to a ghost hunter. doo on Saturday evening – including some underground, haunted prison cells. So perhaps Edinburgh dungeons would be overkill. (Listen, I know what you’re thinking, it’s not because if I went to both I might never be able to leave the house on my own again, it’s nothing to do with that, because I am MUCH braver than that, it’s honestly because I would get all ghosted out. Honestly).

p.s. I have just suffered a near-death coughing experience, but am pleased to say that I have come out of the other end alive. Phew.

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