Sunday, May 20, 2007

Advice: Listen to Kats

So, it seems that Kat was probably right. I should have let my tamagochi have its fun while it had the chance. For now it is old and wizened and past its reproductive peak. Dried up, even.

I like to think that the seemingly sudden old-agedness of the tamagochi is a result of it now being a massive 10 years old. However inside I know the truth. It's my fault. Not just because I have become an over-protective mother, but because I have also been an absent mother. Yes, that's right, my tamagochi is ripe for psychotherapy. When I am actually giving it any attention, it is only to be over protective - here was I, thinking I was doing what was best for my tamagochi by telling the pimp what he could do with his pimpiness, and all the while, my tamagochi was growing old and grey and drying up.

I guess this is the point at which I now have to admit that I did abandon the tamagochi for a day. Yes, a whole day. I forgot about it entirely while I was doing something else yesterday and when I remembered it at the end of the day (and I only remembered it becuase I opened my bag and saw it...) it was entirely hungry and miserable. And sleeping, so I couldn't do anything about it. And now, this morning, when it woke up, it had whiskers on its face and all its hair had fallen out. Gone was the young and lively looking tamagochi of days gone by. And when I sent it to work (yes - you do have to send it out to work - tamagochis need money too, you know), it was given a walking stick and retired. I keep on holding onto the hope that it's not so - and sending it to work, but it keeps coming back with its walking stick, shaking its head.

And where's the pimp in all this? That's right, nowhere to be seen. The pimp knows when someone's past their best, had their day. So my guess is this is how it will all end.

This is how I will be freed from the tamagochi. It is going to die of old age. And not only that, but it is going to die a virgin. How could I have imposed such a life on my tamagochi?


Anonymous said...

Poor poor Tamagochi. I suspect you didn't even name it? I hope you have learnt your lesson Ms Jones!

Jones said...

Erm, I'll have you know I did give it a name. But I have also learnt my lesson and I do indeed have my tail between my legs and I will admit I ought to consider listening to you slightly more...

Anonymous said...

Its a wonderful world when im right!!