Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Great Calorie Burn

So I have had an extra-ordinarily healthy day today. Having meant to go for a run today, I have dismally failed. Instead I have managed to consume the following line up of healthy items:

Breakfast - Viennese Whirls
Lunch - VERY large burger - they've opened one of them gormet burger kitchens in town, so decided to try it out and gorged self on a chicken, bacon and avocado ones. It's about ten foot tall and a foot wide with thirty eight avocados, 23 rashers of bacon and 16 chicken breasts (and two salad leaves).
Snack - Tea with fancy new butterscotch digestives (I can't help myself when I see something new - I've got to try it - but I would advise those who are interested, that the butterscotch digestives are not "all that" - distinctly average in fact, I'd say).
Snack 2 - slice of lemon cake.

Am now contemplating a packet of scampi and lemon nik naks.

To counteract all these calories, I am planning on sitting myself on the sofa for the entirety of the rest of the day and doing sweet nothing. If I feel like a bit of exhersion, I will consider putting some effort into thinking about what this year's cocktail party invites will look like, which should burn a calorie or two. And watching my tamagochi slowly dying, which should also burn a calorie or two I dare say.

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