Monday, May 28, 2007

Good Week/Bad Week

This week has been a good week for sloe gin. I made some back when the sloes were in season. I've been turning it patiently and watching all the bits dissolve and finally, last night, the sloe gin was cracked open. Frankly, it was dee-licious. Possibly the nicest alcoholic drink I have EVER drunk! I have considered that the fact that I made it may have influenced my belief in its deliciousness - however have confirmed that it is in fact the most delicious drink in drinking history by getting someone else to have a gulp and them confirming it is, in fact, the worlds most superiour alcoholic drink.

On the other hand...

It has been a bad week for my car. On Sunday I had a car accident. It was really rainy and I was turning off a roundabout. The car started aquaplaining (not sure if that's a real word... but am guessing you know what I mean). This meant the car started going into the verge. Anyway, cutting a long story short, I'm alive, no one was hurt and the car is fine, however some quick steering manoeuvres were required. Possibly, given my "penchant" for melodrama, you would have expected all sorts to be going through my head at the time. However I am going to have to disappoint you. All I remember going through my head was whether or not any of the other cars around me were particularly close, how I would make sure I didn't hit them, not to oversteer to try to get out of it and how to get the car to face the right way again.

The other reason it was a bad week for my car is that it was stolen after I got home last night.

So even without being melodramatic, I think you'll surely agree with me, that my car has not had a good week - and possibly, had it not been for the success of the sloe gin, I'd be tempted to say that it was a pretty bad week for me too.

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