Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Plant Carnage

So today I have left the plants outside – they made the journey from the greenhouse (bedroom) to the yard. There are quite a lot of them – which meant lots of trips up and down the stairs were required – which I would say excuses me from doing any further exercise today.

Anyway – combined with being a loverly sunny day, it is also a little windy – which has got me to worrying a little bit. I am going to get home and one of two things is going to have happened:
  1. The plants will be really happy – and given their morning watering, they will have grown, noticeably – in similar fashion to Jack’s Beanstalk. I will climb them when I get home, find the end of the rainbow and claim my pot of gold. Or,

  2. I will return home this evening to find total plant carnage. The wind will have blown them all over and there will be a green mess of aloe vera clinging on to chilli plants, sunflowers lying, empty-potted next to a dishevelled money plant, while the bamboo and its glass vase lie scattered in bits across the yard. The African Violet, languishing in a pool of it’s own gravel, while the dying geranium intertwines with the near-dead ficcus and the Easter Cactus looks on, unable to move as its roots have been squashed into place by the pot of the over-turned basil, which itself is looking worse for wear.

Let’s hope it’s number one, eh?

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