Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Electronically Tagged

Eeek, I have been tagged. Being tagged is a serious issue. It means I am now legally bound (Erm, hang on a second - I don't mean I've broken the law and now have a tag on my ankle - what on earth kind of person do you think I am, for goodness sake?).

No, no, this is virtual tagging. Virtual tagging is when another blogger tags you (like TAG - you're it sort of tagging) and you have to reveal seven secrets about yourself before tagging another seven bloggers. It is at this point that being a more social blogger would have been helpful, so, erm - I apologise now to any random strangers who find themselves tagged by me - I have got my own friends, I promise - just not so many virtual friends...

Unfortunately, it's not just virtual friends I find myself short on, but secrets to share. I mean - that's pretty much what blogging's all about - annonymously revealing your secrets to people you'll probably never have to face. Although in my case - I am aware that I have to face several of you on a weekly/montly basis - which makes it even more difficult. What few secrets I haven't already revealed here - I have probably told you already elsewhere. Hmmm.

So having racked my brain for several minutes (and racking ain't easy on your brain, I'll tell you that...) I have come up with the following:

1. For a not insignificant period, I was seriously considering hypnotherapy for my biscuit-eating. (This was no casual biscuit-eating issue - this was compulsive biscuit purchase-and-eat-whole-packet-in-one-VERY-short-sitting sort of biscuit-eating).
2. I have watched several series of Britains/America's/Australia's top model. It's not something I'm proud of, I'll tell you that. We all have our dirty little telly watching secrets. (Yes, potentially I do have more than the average person).
3. I have, in the past, when I used to get home early enough, cried during an episode of Neighbours or Home and Away (I'm not so good at distinguishing between the two).
4. I have, in the past, when I used to watch it, cried during an episode of Eastenders.
5. I am addicted to PostSecret.
6. I have made a birthday cake for almost all of my friends this year (sorry to the Nun - very remiss of me - you will get one eventually - do you mind if it's seven months too late?) and now I'm really hoping one of them will make me one in return...
7. I'm bored of making birthday cakes.

Phew, I tell you what, my head is aching now after all that thinking. I'll not pretend I'm proud of my secrets - so I tell you what, let's keep them between you and me, eh?

Now, off to rack brains to think of 7 other people to tag.

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