Friday, July 13, 2007

Things Happen in Threes

Today has been a very busy day at work. Tomorrow is set to be an even busier day. I have spent today printing, stapling, refilling the printer, working out how to print double sided, guillotine-ing maps, laminating maps, breaking the laminator, breaking the laminator again...

I think that I will be deserving of a nice cocktail or two when I get home - which is where those dregs come in very handy (see earlier posting).

However tomorrow I will not just be deserving of a nice cocktail or two, but in desperate need. Tomorrow is the busiest day of the year for us so far and is set to be a challenge.

So what convenience then that it is also the day of the year that I seem to be most popular. I have been invited out for not one social event, not two, but THREE. Yes three. (This is not a lie just to prove that I have friends after yesterday's posting - it really is true).

Anyway, must get on - more cutting/stapling/laminator breaking to get on with.

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