Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mismatched Ensemble

So, have been tottering around the house, wearing in my shoes and now have sore feet.

Wedding countdown - two days - just enough time for feet to recover before being subjected to extended time back on heels. High heels. Very high heels.

Realised today that I don't have anything to put on over my dress if it happens to get cold. When I say if it happens to get cold, obviously I mean when it gets cold. The wedding's in Scarborough for goodness sake - it doesn't stop raining down south - it's hardly going to be dry up there, now, is it?

Therefore had Round Two of frantically rushing around the shops (Round One being the quest for shoes) in an attempt to find a cardigan of somesort - or some other similar warmth inducing covering.

Jeez, what a palaver. It being sale time, the shops are full only of summer clothes - not cardigan type affairs. So, predictably, my new top (which I haven't tested in conjunction with the dress, so there's still every possibilty my ensemble will fail dismally and I have not yet been brave enough to try it) so yes, predictably, my new top was not in the sale. Full damn price. Typical.

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