Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Time to Crack Open the Summer Shoe Wardrobe

All this summery weather (minus the decent temperature – but blue skies and sun are potentially as good as we’re going to get) has gone to my head. I have started showcasing my summer shoes. With the possibility of this week being the only non-rainy week all year – I have decided to go ahead and try to fit all my summer shoes into the one week.

So yesterday was Pink-Pump-Day, today is Gold-Pump-Day. Tomorrow, I think, will be White-with-Embroidered-Flower-Cardboard-Shoe-Day. After that, in honesty, I’m beginning to get a bit stuck. I am considering showcasing several old pairs of shoes I never wear – simply for the sake of proving it’s summer. Or I may have a Very-High-And-Inappropriate-Red-Sandal-Day. Possibly at the cost of several twisted ankles – but really – ankles are over-rated. And I’ve only worn the shoes once and they really are very special. I’ve got several pairs of flip flops, however I’m not sure they’re appropriate for work (nor indeed for the non-warm temperature) – so I will keep them for the weekend – one pair on Saturday, another pair on Sunday with a change half way through the day.


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