Monday, August 13, 2007

Consumer Survey Currently on Hold

Due to a thumb injury, I have been unable to continue with application of Boots Expert All over anti-celulite cream.

I pulled my thumb nail back whilst opening a door - and not just your ordinary, but very painful pulling back of nail. I pulled about a third of it back, leaving it black and looking like it's going to fall off.

Therefore I am unable to let you know if the anti-celulite cream works, and I continue to walk about the place with orange peel thighs.

I appologise for my lack of vigilance with my consumer survey - however I'm not convinced the pain induced by the required pumelling of skin with thumbs to rid body of celulite is currently possible.

The good news, however, is that tonight, I will be trying my first krusty kreme donut. And tomorrow, the suit that I ordered on line and cannot return because it was in the sale, will arrive. And no doubt not fit. Good.

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