Sunday, August 19, 2007

Grubby Teeth, Rumbling Stomach and Itching Ears

Well, I have gotten myself into a state where I am once again having trouble brushing my teeth.

This is not as a result of any sort of phobia towards personal hygiene - nor some aversion to water/mintiness. No, it is a purely self inflicted situation. A situation in which I have given up the ability to carry out every day tasks for a moment of guilty pleasure. And when I say moment, in honesty I mean several moments (several moments, where moment = hour).

Hang on a second. I know what you're thinking - I've been eating more cakes and thus my belly has become so large that I am incapable of reaching my arm around it to get the toothbrush to my mouth. Well, that is not the case. Instead I am suffering from exercise-related injuries. Yes - believe it or not, I am using the words "exercise" and "pleasurable" in connection with each other.

I have been on the Wii. I have been working on my tennis backhand and my golf stroke, my right hook is now second to none and I can swing a baseball bat with the best of them. Well, I could yesterday, anyway. However today, as a result, I am struggling to brush my teeth, lift my fork to my mouth and scrath the very annoying itch which seems to be incessantly bothering my ear. Raaahh.

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