Monday, August 27, 2007

A Wee Problem

(And that's wee as in small - not as in bodily function - so if you've arrived here hoping for something a bit saucy, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. You're welcome to read on - but I promise you this now - you're really not going to find the torrid paragraphs that you are wanting and you will almost certainly be leaving dissatisfied. Sorry about that. Although actually, following that small diatribe, for those of you still here, it's all a case of semantics. I did say that's wee as in small, however it's actually wee as in wii. Frankly a genius play on words, I'm sure you'll agree).

So, as you know, I am currently the proud owner of a wii. However before I go on, I should really clarify. The wii is not actually mine.

My stalker friend (who we'll now address as NBF (new best friend - keep up)) has gone on a jolly to the U.S of A. (Bit unfair of me to call it a jolly in honesty - it's actually a work trip - and I've heard the stories - it ain't no jolly work trip). But having gone off for two weeks, he has very kindly asked me to look after his wii (and his plants - which is slightly foolish of him - you'd have thought he learnt last time I looked after them and what resulted was a minor cull of innocent plants).

So this is the reason that I have been whiling away my hours in blissful arm ache. Last night however, I took it to a whole new level. Cannily combining the good weather with my addiction, a BBQ/wii evening took place. Having gorged ourselves on delicious undercooked BBQ foods, we took to the wii. I'l be honest - those new to the wii looked slightly nervous - potentially more because of my delirious excitement than anything else. However I was confident in my knowledge that one game and they'd all be addicted.

The levels of addiction I was to rouse in people however were a slight surprise. As one member of the group spent approximately half an hour boxing, while the rest of us looked on slightly scared and cheering nervously.

The bad news now, of course, is that NBF will be coming back next week. Listen - if you're reading, it's not that I don't want you to come back, it's just that I'm not sure I'm ready to have to give the wii back. (Nor that I am ready to have to admit to a second small cull of innocent plants..)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Iam still very very sore and you were right i couldnt brush my teeth. Still cant move very well but am determined to buy one of thoes damm things!!!!!