Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Beers, Spiders and Donuts

I got home from my sister's yesterday evening and decided to reward myself (getting home is quite an achievement, you know - you should celebrate the small things, you know) with a six pack and a ten pack. Six pack of beer, ten pack of donuts. I didn't start them until relatively late on though, so only two beers and two donuts later, the celebration was all over.

I have made up for this however by eating donuts for both breakfast and lunch today. There are now five left - so still some way to go, but I think I can do it. I have not yet started the beers for today - even I think it's a bit early in the day. Now if we were discussing gin, it would be an entirely different story... no time is wrong for a good gin and tonic with a chunk of lime.

I have not heard from my new best friend since he was supposed to have returned from California last Friday and I am beginning to worry for his plants. I have not been to visit them in some time - so I am hoping I was right about when he was supposed to be back. Otherwise what was left of them will no longer be. I am taking my mind off this by constantly playing on the wii. It is sort of working.

I have also spent so much time playing spider solitaire that my wrist is aching - I am considering that I must surely have RSI. (Don't even look at it. Microsoft have put some sort of subliminal messaging in it, I know it - it is not as simple as me just lacking the willpower to stop).

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