Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Thresher Formula v.s The Jones Formula

When did Threshers become so damn expensive?

I went in there the other day for a bottle of wine to soak up my dinner, only to discover that there was nothing in my price range. So I had to buy three.

Hang on just a moment - I can hear you - calling me a lush. Well it ain't so. They have this very clever ploy going on. I don't remember Thresher always having been so expensive - however neither have they always had this buy two, get one free offer (BTGOF) - yes - you see - now it becomes clear. The only way to make buying wine in their affordable, is to buy three bottles - the third extortionate bottle being free, balances out the cost of the first two extortionate bottles.

So the clever ploy clearly being put prices up, add a BTGOF offer, sell three bottles.

Threshers Formula - Two bottles + one free in Threshers = same price as three bottles at full price anywhere else.

Alternatively, this formula can be written as the Jones Formula - Two bottles + one free in Threshers = very drunk young lady lolling around on the sofa, spouting amaaaaazing new theories about how to win the lottery, ranting about the cost of TV licences and snoring loudly. Lovely.


QUASAR9 said...


QUASAR9 said...

you didn't drink all three bottles

Jones said...

I made a good effort at it... but no, not all three!

Great blog BTW. In honesty, it's largely over my head - I did do a basic astonomy course at Cambridge IOA, but I'm still floundering!