Monday, October 29, 2007

Chips. Better in Heels.

So, first day of week two in the new job, and I can't pretend week one ended on a high note. In rolls the new girl, in her smart heels and work clothes, to find everyone else strolling around the office in trainers and jeans. Yes, it was a dress down Friday, which I did not appear to be participating in. Hmph.

But it's not all bad. The novelty of a staff canteen has not as yet ceased to impress me - in particular, the fish and chip Fridays (seriously thouhg - fish and chips tastes better when you're wearing heels). And I have a swipe card to get around the building - with my little picture on it. I have not yet got past the stage where I swish about the place feeling important because I have a swipe card. Even though the security guards pretty much had to spell out for me how to get out of the building on my first day. Letter by painful letter.

And not next Monday, but the one after that, I will be moving into my new rented accommodation and it will be officially goodbye Cambridge.

I can't pretend I don't feel a little sad about it and that I haven't had a few tears in the corner when no one is looking. But don't tell anyone that. They'll start thinking I've gone soft.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im sad too that you are leaving and i cant pretend that i havent had a tearful moment or two! So boggie before that sad day????? And maybe golf??????