Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The End of the Affair

Went to the canteen downstairs. Bought a chocolate chip muffin, clearly marked as 80p and a bag of hula hoops, clearly marked as 40p and got charged £1.45. I'd say something is amiss with somebody's maths. (Look - if you are busily thinking about how unhealthy my purchases were - can you please try to re-focus on the blind theft taking place in the work canteen). Actually, I will admit that I was a bit foolish not to challenge this peculiar form of maths that makes 80+40 = 145, however it wasn't until I was out of the door that I thought properly about how much I'd just paid.

My guess is that the lady at the till is pocketing a quick 25p here and there. I thought it was peculiar that she came in yesterday with a new Tiffany Signature pearl bracelet and necklace set and some impressive Asprey's diamond numbers on her fingers, carting the latest Anya Hindmarch bag around with her and tapping at the till with her real-gold painted falsies.

I have to admit, I am quickly starting to fall out of love with the canteen downstairs (apart from on Fridays - which is fish and chip day).

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