Sunday, November 18, 2007

One Thousand Humble Apologies

My most humble apologies, dear blog reader. I know you have reached the point where you are no longer able to forgive my lazy, lazy lack of blogging. However... I have an excuse.

As you know I am currently in a new job - therefore blogging from work is clearly stictly forbidden, as is everything fun, like emailing friends, checking hotmail account, skype-ing, msn-ing, etc. etc.

Usually, no problem, however as I have also just moved house, Sky has made a royal mess of transferring my broadband. Leaving me without any blogging mode - no internet at work, no internet at home.

Pray tell, I hear you say, then how am I blogging now? Well, dear blog friend, I am merely being inordinately rude and using my sister's internet whilst she is downstairs making me dinner.

Thus, I fear I must leave you to engage in polite conversation with said sister. I hear it will be soon that I will have internet at home - so please, do not abandon me for all those more constant bloggers out there. I have loads of stories to tell and what use would the telling be if there were no one there to read them?

Will report back asap. Now got to go and stuff myself (but the good news is - for me, but no on that has to witness it - that I have been stumbling along the streets of London and calling it running - yes, I have returned to that old trick - and justify my face stuffing in that way. Woo hoo).

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