Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A Place to Call Home

So, countdown begins to the big move. Although I have been staying in London for the last three weeks, I am not yet actually in a place I can call home. I have been lodging at my sisters, complete with two small children. One of whom is under the weather and at an age where communication has not yet passed incomprehensible mumblings and yellings.

Thus, displeasure at being ill is expressed through a series of loud and incessant screams. All day and not unusually, all night too.

However it's not all bad, as particularly bad nights mean that my sister brings me a cup of tea in the morning by way of apology.

Anyway, countdown begins. Official move date is this Monday and I have a lot of stuff and not a lot of time to stuff it all into boxes and lob it in a van. Ugh. I hate moving.

Am considering creating a drinking game based on boxes packed. One box packed, one shot downed. Another box packed, another shot downed - and so on. Surely this method will not only make the packing more enjoyable, but surely make it happen quicker? Or at least, it will seem to go quicker. And really, what's a little headache the following day if it means all the packing's done?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Ms. Jones,

Happy to read about your adventures on your blog! Made me laugh and miss your great stories even more. Hope you have settled in well in London and enjoy the new swap-card job! Do let me know your new address so I can take over the stalking from the US of A boy and visit you sometime. Oh, I am not a baby fan either - but I am counting on mine will be tolerable ;o)! And please come and visit the wonderful cloggyland anytime you want.

Big hug and say hi to the fat lad for me.

