Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Detox and Resolution

Seemed pretty warm this morning, so left the house with no scarf, no gloves, no extra layers, only to read in the Metro on the way to work that it is going to be –8 today. Great. So it’s going to turn icy cold any minute and I am utterly ill-prepared. Great way to start 2008. Happy New Year by the way. But while we’re on the subject – what is this English tradition of going to work on 2nd January? Honestly – it’s ridiculous and should be stopped.

In Scotland, 2nd January is a Bank Holiday – much more sensible. Is anyone out there actually doing any work today? Apparently not me – as here I am sharing my woes with you.

Have decided that I am going to detox over January. What’s that you say? You have made the same decision? And you too?

Yes, I do know that it’s a predictable thing to do – similar to making New Year’s resolutions like “I must loose weight” and “I will drink less this year”. Yep – neither really going to happen. But actually, before you go on doubting me, this detox thing is old hat for me.

I’ve done it twice before (and properly too) and lost at least half a stone both times. I’ll admit it – I know detoxing is supposed to be about cleansing your body and refreshing your soul and creating a new sense of wellbeing and calm, but sod all that, I say. Gimme weight loss any day.

And thus, it shall be my pleasure in keeping you updated with my potential detox failures. Lucky you.

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