Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mad Woman Shakes her Booty

Had to go to booty shaking class ALONE today. Yes, older sister was away for the weekend and, in fact, has the shocking lack of manners to be away on holiday for the next two weekends. Which means that I will be forced to go to shaking class on my own again for two weeks.

The negative effect this week of not having had my sister there, was that the routine was fouteen times more compex than last week. Thus, by default meant that I made fourteen times more mistakes than last week and there was no one there to giggle with me about it.

Several times I found myself looking around the room, giggling to myself about just how crap I was, trying to catch someone else's eye to share the crapness with, only to find that no-one else was making any mistakes and absolutely no-one was interested in giggling with me. I

n fact, everyone who's eyes I caugt tried to turn away as quickly as they could, with the look of fear haunting their eyes and worry playing across their face at having just caught the eye of a crazy woman who's giggling to herself and, sin of all sins, crossed her right foot behind her left instead of her left foot behind her right (what is wrong with these people).

So it seems that I am the social pariah of the booty shaking class. Hmph.

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