Monday, January 21, 2008

Muffin Obscenity

It's obscene. Somebody brought in chocolate muffins the size of small children's heads today. How is a girl supposed to maintain true to her detox under such conditions? So I gorged myself on dried apricots as a replacement, however it would seem that eleven dried apricots is just too much for my guts and no comparison to large muffins.

So I trooped off to the supermarket, chomping down on a packet of immodium as I went, in search of something that Gillian would find to be an acceptable substitute to chocolate muffins, but not featuring fruit in any way.

Finding myself in the tea aisle, I picked up a box called "Figuro", a tea professing to be for "people who care about thier figures". I put to the back of my mind the little voice asking me "but what does that really mean"? grabbed a box and headed straight for the checkout, not stopping to look at what the tea actually contains or to think about exactly how this is going to affect my already volatile stomach.

Upon further inspection (back at the office), I have discovered that the tea contains a rather peculiar concoction of herbs, one caller pu'er (how do you pronounce that? Pooh-er or Pure? I'm hoping the latter) antoher called cassia tora, which they have helpfully informed me has a sweet, bitter and salty flavour, whilst water lily leaf has a bitter and astringent flavour. There is also a warning on the box that I should aim to drink not more than two or three cups a day. What have I let myself in for here?

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