Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Olufactory Displeasure

Opened the figuro tea, took a little sniff at it and almost backed out of giving it a try. It was whifffffeeeee. Ugh, gross, gross, gross. However, being the brave sort I am I decided I'd brave on through and have a cup anyway.

An Aside
Ok - so actualy, being the tightwad I am, I didn't want to waste a whole box of tea - and not your average tea at your average price - tea for people who care about their figures - that would be targeting the fatties (moi) who are desperate to lose a bit of extra padding - and therefore are prepared to blindly go rushing to the till, clutching, in their sweaty little hand, a box of tea which promises absolutely nothing other than a rather lighter wallet. "For people who care about their figures"? - Pah - that doesn't mean anything. They might as well say for people who care about breathing or for people who think about food. But the point I'm making here is that the fatties (moi) get sucked in to thinking that just because this is for people who care about thier figures, it's going to make them thin. Which so far, despite my brave ploughing on with drinking the stinky stuff, does not appear to have happened.

But yes, as I say, I took the courageous option and decided to drink a cup of the olufactorily displeasing substance. It smelled no better once it was out of the box, on it's own and at the mercy of boiling water. In fact, boiling water only served to spread the smell. Once again, I almost backed out... but as I say, I am of a courageous nature (tightwad) and ploughed on. And you know what? It wasn't that bad. So long as I held my nose. And didn't expect it to make me thin.

I believe I also forgot to tell you that my booty was acheing after booty-shaking class again this week. It's getting smaller by the week, I'll tell you. Admitedly not noticeably so, but who said the path to true thinness ever did run smooth... or was that something else?

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