Thursday, January 31, 2008

An Unusual Sort of Exercise

My colleague has been going to power plate. Never heard of it? Well it is basically a half hour exercise class, where you carry out basic exercises - nothing too strenuous. Sounds good eh? Until you factor in that whilst you are doing these basic exercises, you are stood on some sort of violently shaking contraption. Bit like a tumble drier, she says. The idea being, that if you're shaking about the place like a sock in a tumble drier, your muscles will need to be constantly engaged. Add to that the exercises you're asking your muscles to perform, and they become not quite so basic as they may have first seemed.

I have been duped into buying one of those hybrid toothbrushes - you know - size of a normal toothbrush but buzzes like a crazy wasp when you press a button on the front? (Wondering where I'm going with this? Well just stick with me...). Well I can't say that the toothbrush works any better than any normal toothbrush - surely toothbrush efficiency is all about the user? But I will tell you something, I now have what is surely the world's most muscular tongue and gums. You don't necessarity feel it when you're just brushing your teeth, but brush your tongue and I swear it's got to be the mouth-sized equivalent of flexing your muscles on a power plate.

Now I just need to get the rest of me in shape...

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